Today is it. The Big 2-1. Though I don't feel any different. I guess it hasn't really sunken in yet, orrr it's just not that big a deal! I deem that its a bit of both! I wasn't going to post today but thought why not? It's not like I'm really doing much, just waiting for boyf to get here so we can spend a day at the beach and chill. I'm not really doing much today anyway, just having a dinner and then going out. The usual stuff! Can't wait until my birthday party in 2 weeks though - then it'll really feel like my birthday! Anyway, hope everyone has a safe nye and nys! Catch you all in the new year!x
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
13 going on 30.
Ahh Mark Ruffalo is such a cutie in this movie. If only all guys were like this. I'm actually just about to start watching this movie. It always gets me! If only it happened in real life. ♥ It actually reminds me of another book I finished reading a couple days ago - Remember me, by Sophie Kinsella. An easy summer read worth checking out.x
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
First birthday.
Rambo, I still love you even though I yell at you all the time :) and KP - R.I.P we miss you xx
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Copy Cat.
Imitation is the best form of flattery.
Yep, I mean you.
On a brighter note, it's my cat's 1st birthday tomorrow and 3 more days until NYE and my 21st - Yay!x
Monday, December 27, 2010
The Book Thief.
For those that think reading is just for geeks, think again!
Because I'd been busy with uni, work and other stuff, I hadn't really had time to read a decent book. I'd read a couple easy peasy books like LC's books but nothing really shocking or heartfelt. A couple days ago I was super bored and my sister suggested that I read one of her books - she is a bookworm :) Anyway, she recommended that I give The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak, a try. I started reading it... and couldn't put it down! It was awesome. Sad ending, but really awesome. So now, I'm going to recommend that others read it! Check this out to see for yourself - Definitely a worthwhile read!x
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Shop til you drop
That's what I did. Shopped til I dropped. Had about 6 hours sleep and then woke up super early for a Sunday to go shopping. Although there weren't that many great deals for Boxing day, we still managed to get quite a bit of stuff and it surprises me because I now must admit - I dislike shopping. Standing in queues, squeezing past smelly people, dealing with fake sales assistants and carpark stealers, I'd much prefer to sit back at home in front of my laptop. Yes, online shopping - fun and hassle free. Although dangerous. Very, very dangerous. I've decided after all this Xmas and New Year hustle bustle, its time to save. Yes, I know I've said that countless times, but I am going overseas in about 6-7 months so I'm really starting to feel the pressure to save now. I'm even considering getting another job. It'll be hard and oh so stressful, but it'll be worth it. Can't wait to be spending my money overseas whether it be around Europe or Australia, it will be amazing! I did, however, try on that Stolen Girlfriends Club double bow ring today which I've been lusting after for months. Ahhh LOVE. Now, if only somebody would buy me it.x
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tiffany loves Tiffany's!
Although I'm not really having a 'theme' for my birthday, I sort of am going by Tiffany and Co, with my cake, cupcakes, decorations etc. As you can see, the invites, done by Tabitha Harris, also have the Tiffany and Co. theme :) I'm pretty excited now! Also Christmas is tomorrow wahooo! I'm actually getting presents this year, for once! Excite!x
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Growing up.
"One day I will make you proud Dad!!!" - something I just said to my dad about 5 minutes ago. Seriously, I've just been thinking about my life, growing up - I'm turning 21 in 8 days. Sort of scary, like I just had an epiphany that I'm actually growing up. One last semester of uni to go, going overseas then out into the big bad world. I just bumped into one of my school mates today and she's doing well, working at a marketing company and going back to do her Honours. This tells me that I'm going to need to do something with myself. Of course, now that I've got a bit of time I'm starting to draw and sew a bit again, need to just keep doing it. One day, hopefully, it may just get me somewhere.x
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The other day my boyfriend and I were watching the latest VS fashion show and my God, those girls are absolutely stunning! So envious of their perfectly toned bodies, long endless legs and super smiles! It's given me motivation to start eating healthy and go to the gym. I've also decided that I'm going to teach myself to cook instead of bake, because everytime I bake I feel obliged to eat it, which is NOT good! Anyway, today was my last day of work for the year so I'll have time to get some things sorted, do last minute Christmas shopping tomorrow, send out my birthday invites and pick up my Blacksheep leather jacket yay!!! Head of my agency Red11, Amanda, suggested that I get another test shot done soon so I'll be saving up for that along with for my birthday and road trip. So can't wait to be in shape, looking good and feeling great!x
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Today I had another driving lesson- this time, in a manual. Now, usually I'm quite unco so I was sort of nervous. However, after an hour, I had gotten the hang of it and it was super fun! Now just need to keep practising weekly! :) I also got to do a bit of sunbathing today (it was so hot!), some last minute Xmas shopping and picked up my Salasai contra. Didn't have time to go to the gym as I went out for dinner instead but healthy eating starts tomorrow! I will make sure of it!x
Monday, December 20, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Countdown begins
I've been a bit slack on posting over the weekend due to being super busy catching up with an old friend and chilling with the boyfriend - it's been a busy but relaxing weekend. At this time of year, everything is so hectic - can't believe Christmas is in less than a week! AND my birthday is less than 2 weeks! Super crazy! I'm glad though, I've finally got my venue sorted, dresses sorted, shoes sorted, cake sorted. Just need to get my invites out asap and it will be super sweet! I'm also excited to start planning our new year's road trip. It's going to be so great. Living in a bikini for the whole week, baking in the sun wahooo!x
Thursday, December 16, 2010
A few stunning pieces from the Marchesa Resort 2011 collection. Now that I've got a bit (miniscule really) of free time on my hands, I'm going to start sewing again. Once I get my overlocker I'll be able to really get into it. x
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Busy bee 2.0
Tonight I went back to the gym for the first time in about 3 months. It was so bad but so good! Need to motivate myself to keep going. Going to go tomorrow as well. It seems that although the first half of summer school is over and I'm sort of lazing around, the easy breezy period isn't going to last long. I've got a full day ahead of me tomorrow- casting at 10am, gym, checking out some venues for my birthday and then a night of baking with some girls for the Auckland City Mission which should be fun! Then on Friday I have work and a night out catching up with some old friends. Saturday, last minute Christmas shopping me thinks and then winding down with a quiet night with the boyfriend with some marshmallows, lollipops, champaz, and hopefully the end of our Harry Potter movie marathon hahaha. I've also sussed out my birthday dress hooray! Finally. Once I make up my mind on a venue I'll be able to actually get excited for it. Not long to go!x
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
"You anger me sometimes but I still love you very much. Sorry for today. I like my handpicked flowers the best and our mussels were yummy. Too bad we weren't able to bake but at least we still got to blow out the candle on our cake. Happy 4th birthday to us. xoxo"
Today's lesson.
Today I learnt this. As hard as it is, I'm going to have to try. Going to stop spending my money. London. Paris. Rome. New York. I need to get outta here and the only way I'll be able to do that is by saving enough to get out. This is too hard.x
Monday, December 13, 2010
Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. - Kate Moss
So true. After I finish this lame assignment, I am going to head off to the gym. I swear uni makes me put on weight because I get so bored and try to procrastinate with all sorts, including eating when I'm not even hungry. Grrr. Starting today I will get myself back into routine at the gym and healthy eating on top of saving. Also need to have my birthday plans sorted and invites done before end of this week.x
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Procrastinate now, Panic later.
So stumped. Can't stop procrastinating. This assignment is doing my head in. Can't wait for it to be OVER.x
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Miu Miu Love.
I am in LOVE. I recently bought these AMAZING Miu Miu clogs. I'm meant to be saving yes, but I did say that I needed a pair of birthday shoes. My boyfriend made me choose between the Jeffrey Campbell Mariel wedges or the Miu Miu's. Such a sad thing to do, but it was a pretty easy decision - a fab pair of Miu Miu's that nobody else would have here in NZ or a pair of Jeffrey Campbells? As much as I love and as much as I have lusted over the JC's for months, it was the Miu Miu's hands down! (Although, I'm still going to push for somebody to buy me the Mariel's for my birthday hehe).x
Friday, December 10, 2010
Take me back to the Cabaret
Tonight I had my work Christmas party, which was nothing like your average work do. Went to my boss' house, which by the way, is faaaaaaabulous, had a few drinks and nibbles and caught the ferry into town to watch the Cabaret. Intensely different to anything I've ever seen in my life, the musical was simply marvellous. The acting was marvellous, the tent was marvellous (apparently there are only 70 in the world), and the music was marvellous. I'd definitely recommend going to see it but you need to go in with an open mind. Warning: there is a bit of nudity and what not but the atmosphere is really good. Also a tip: take a cushion to sit on, the chairs are really uncomfy! Apart from that though, it was a good night and definitely worth the watch! I'm super jealous, all the dancers were super toned. So, I've decided that I am going to MAKE myself go to the gym at least 3-4 times a week. Starting tomorrow, after doing my assignment and checking out the Sarah Horton sample sale, I am going to go to the gym for 2 hours before dinner at my boyfriend's tomorrow night. More roasted marshmellows yippeee!x
Thursday, December 9, 2010
December fire.
Today I did a bit of studying and finally sunbathed for the first time since Summer started. It felt good to just sort of relax but this assignment is really starting to annoy me. I've also got a lot on my mind... Me and my boyf set up the brazier tonight and roasted marshmellows for dinner. They were soooo yum! We're having a dinner on Saturday night in memory of my boyfriend's nana who recently passed away. It will be good to spend time and unwind. Boyfriend will be working on Saturday so I'll probably just go to his during the day to help prepare for the dinner and be there waiting for him when he gets back. He loved it the last time I did it so hopefully it will cheer him up after the hectic, strenuous week he's had. Poor thing, I can only imagine how hard it would be to lose somebody so close to you.x
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The fishtail plait.
People that know me well know that I despise tying my hair up or doing anything with it. It's always out, straight. The usual. Don't get me wrong, I love getting it done for fashion shows, shoots, special occassions or whatever. But when it comes to everyday life in general, it's always the same. So when I do something different, such as braid my hair into a fishtail plait, people always compliment it or ask "how do you do a fishtail plait?!?!". (I was actually asked by one of the girls at Red 11 today when I went in for a casting for Black magazine). It's actually very simple. I can't really explain through words so I've just looked it up on Youtube and here is a link for you to watch and learn from a girl who goes by Foxylocksextentions. Check it out! It does take longer than average plaits but it is a bit different.x
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Europe OE.
Lately everybody has been so worked up about Christmas and New Years so naturally, the question I've been asked a lot is "what are your plans for new years?". Typically, I'll probably just be staying in Auckland although its my 21st (aren't I boring??!) but will probably go on a roadtrip after new years. Another major reason for staying in Auckland this year is because I've got to save for Europe next July. I'm so excited - travelling around London, Paris, Rome, to name a few, will be extraordinary, way more worth it than going away for a couple days over new years! I've started saving and been doing good apart from the few shopping binges. ALTHOUGH, the Jeffrey Campbell Mariel black suede wedges I have wanted for MONTHS are back in stock in my size!... This is not good. Though, I'm prepared to make an exception based on the fact that I'll be needing a new pair of birthday shoes :p hehe.x
Monday, December 6, 2010
Driving in the Summer.

After realising that I'd had enough of relying on people to drive me around, I decided it was time to get my A into G and get my restricted licence. So! Today I went for a driving lesson with a good friend of mine. I trust her enough to let her sit back and laugh while I practised driving. Having a licence will come in handy as I will be able to drive myself to and from work, castings, boyfriend's house and other friends' places. I was a bit nervous at first, since I haven't driven in a couple years but I slowly progressed over the hour. We're going to make it a weekly thing so hopefully once I get the hang of it, I'll have my licence in no time.x
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Test shots.
Here are a few photos that Michael Ng took of me a couple months ago. Such an amazing photographer, Michael is the official photographer of NZFW. I had been asked by childhood friend Zea-Ling Phang to model for her hairdressing assessment at Servilles Academy. The shoot took all day but I'm glad about how the photos turned out.x
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