Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Break the bank.

I have a shopping addition. I have a shopping addiction. I have a shopping addiction. Say this aloud three times and breathe. Say it another three times. Deep breaths... and STOP!!!! Press the little X at the top of the screen and don't bring the site up in the browser again... If only it were that easy.... If only I could take my own advice....

I've just caught myself in a bit of a crazy sticky situation... To buy or not to buy? My saving guru, or my J-Seal as I liked to call her, has been in NYC since the end of last year and I have terribly TRAGIC without her!!! One great piece of advice she left me before she left for the Big Apple was to to think, "Would I rather be in Auckland with amazing shoes/clothes or in Europe finding even more amazing shoes/clothes?" So now I have to say no. No no no to these amazing babies. Making these decisions are so so hard! Like my trying to choose what flavour donuts to buy at Dunkin Donuts today for my parents and my bestie. Ahhh. Saving it is.... sadface. I guess it'll be worth it in the end though. Only 23 weeks to go until Sydney.x

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