Pinch and a punch for the first of the month. AGAIN! It seems like it wasn't that long ago that we welcomed February and now it's MARCH already! We're now a quarter way through this year - it's actually flying by so fast - before we know it, it'll be new year's again! So March, which means it is officially Autumn, which explains why it was a bit chilly today at uni. Speaking of uni, it's going great! I have good lecturers and friends in all of my classes and my assignments don't seem too bad. So far, so good :D We'll see how long it lasts though :p ALSO, just found out that I've been booked for New Zealand Fashion Festival which I'm completely stoked about! Need to stop cooking and baking so much now :p Last night I made a real yummy dinner and baked a cake and for some reason, I must be getting subconciously obsessed with being in the kitchen now as I also cooked dinner and baked some dessert tonight. It's like a new hobby now :D Anyway, March should be good, have mummy's and boyfriend's birthdays this month and I've started (sort of) saving, so my finance planning isn't looking too bad. Once I get it all sorted, I'll be buying more fabric to sew some more. Yay :) x
Monday, February 28, 2011
Love and Music
"Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart." —Anonymous
Music is actually such an inspiration. It's also a place to escape reality and relax. I can see why musicians are so passionate about their work. Growing up, my dream was to become a musician. At the age of 8 I started playing the piano, then at 9, the violin. Along the way I picked up the recorder, tin whistle, and a bit of the flute too. I don't play so much anymore but I'd love to get back to playing. I've actually even started teaching my boyfriend a bit on the piano. He gets impatient and tries to skip ahead, it's cute :p Anyway, now that uni's started, I bet it'll keep me pretty busy but I'd like to try play an hour a day to brush up a bit on the piano. I'd love to own a grand piano one day. If I had one, I promise I would play it every day.x
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Holiday is over.
As they say, all good things come to an end and that is no exception for holidays. Yes, tomorrow all university students go back to sitting in lecture rooms for long hours, months of stress, studying and cramming, otherwise known as bulimic studying (where you study all you need to and 'throw it back up', a.k.a forget everything you took in, right before your exam/assignment). I have, however, sort of been looking forward to starting the semester again as it is my last actual semester before doing my co-op and I really just can't wait to finish and graduate. Plus, my timetable is sort of awesome :) Third year student, it's sort of weird to say that. Feels as if first year wasn't that long ago! It'll be sort of scary to graduate and actually have to find a real job in the big world but I guess that's what makes it all sort of fun! I can already forecast, however, that in a few weeks, my posts will be about me pretty much having mental breakdowns (haha) so do be prepared. Every semester I always say "I'll try harder; I won't procrastinate and leave my assignments until the last minute". This is never implemented. So, as this is my last semester of assignments, I must, once and for all, try to live up to it. Keyword being try (hehe).x
Friday, February 25, 2011
For Christchurch.
You have never really lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.
- A quote I read today that has really inspired me. To do better for others; show random acts of kindness. I would like to take a moment to get it all out there that I hope everyone has donated a bit of what they can to help out the Christchurch citizens, following their massive loss after the earthquake. It's extremely terrible what has happened and it makes my heart happy to know that other countries such as Australia and America have offered to lend a helping hand to one of New Zealand's big little cities. It's also good to see that stores and websites have been having sales and donating the profits to the Chch funds. The quake will obviously impact everyone in New Zealand for a while but lets all pull together to help Christchurch out. We can do this!x
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Break the bank.
I have a shopping addition. I have a shopping addiction. I have a shopping addiction. Say this aloud three times and breathe. Say it another three times. Deep breaths... and STOP!!!! Press the little X at the top of the screen and don't bring the site up in the browser again... If only it were that easy.... If only I could take my own advice....
I've just caught myself in a bit of a crazy sticky situation... To buy or not to buy? My saving guru, or my J-Seal as I liked to call her, has been in NYC since the end of last year and I have terribly TRAGIC without her!!! One great piece of advice she left me before she left for the Big Apple was to to think, "Would I rather be in Auckland with amazing shoes/clothes or in Europe finding even more amazing shoes/clothes?" So now I have to say no. No no no to these amazing babies. Making these decisions are so so hard! Like my trying to choose what flavour donuts to buy at Dunkin Donuts today for my parents and my bestie. Ahhh. Saving it is.... sadface. I guess it'll be worth it in the end though. Only 23 weeks to go until Sydney.x
Monday, February 21, 2011
American Dream

I've been inspired by stars and stripes and the American flag for quite some time now, ever since I bought a ring that had stars on it and another with stripes and my boyfriend pointed out that it looked like the American flag, and have been playing around with different fabrics with stars and stripes. So it comes as no surprise that I was stoked when I found these amazing vintage Levi's (first photo) customised by a girl named Hannah Russell Webb, who has also sold a whole lot of other amazing customised shorts. I start back at uni next Monday (eek) but that still means I've got a week of "freedom", so will post a few photos on Sew 'n Tell asap of the all things 'Stars and Stripes' that I've been making. Stay tuned.x
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