Earth hour in 10 minutes! See for more details.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Urbis Design Day

Exciting news! So I worked Urbis Design Day at the Kohler/Salasai show room last Saturday as the water element (there was water, fire, air, earth and a fifth element Heinekin (personal joke) :p) AND we just found out... The Kohler/Salasai showroom got voted number 1!! YAY (though no surprises there, I knew they'd win as I had random people telling me it was the best hehe)! I must say it was a very different experience, I've never sat by a bath playing with water for 8 hours before :p but the place was set out really cool, the clothes were amazing, and it was cool to meet people. These are a couple photos from it, courtesy of Norrie Montgomery, Max Mamaev and Alex Tea. I'm doing the NZFF Viva show tonight so pretty excited for that! In the meantime, back to doing uni work. Speaking of, it's been so hectic, had an assignment due yesterday about... ironically, stress - ha! I just bought a whole load of fabric too, literally a bag the size of myself sitting down, possibly bigger! So I'm excited, might get some sewing done in the weekend :D Uni mid semester break is also coming up too, very fast but I can't wait. But just because it's a 'break' doesn't mean I won't still be busy, although I guess that's why the weeks seem shorter.x
Monday, March 14, 2011
100th post!

Check out the pictures Amanda Lewis shot of me last week. So friendly and down to earth, Amanda is so talented and such a good photographer! Also, this is my 100th post! Wooo :D Remember guys, you don't have to reblog, you can just click the button that says 'follow' :p x
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Sunday not Funday.
As I previously mentioned, I swear the weeks are getting shorter, which means the days are getting shorter... the world is moving too fast, it's sort of scary. Tomorrow's Monday (unfortunately) but that means in a flash, it'll be the weekend again (Thank goodness!). It's actually my boyfriend's birthday next weekend so that will be fun. My mummy's birthday today too. I actually got woken up super early (8.30am on a SUNDAY?!) to make breakfast for her :) I guess it's sort of good though, I've had a somewhat productive weekend, but hoping to have some fun next week. I think I deserve it and if the world happens to end soon, which, judging by the looks of things, it will, I don't want the last thing I do to have been boring.x
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Pray for Japan
Japan, our thoughts are with you. Let's all come together and pray for Japan, pray for the world. Pray the living are safe, pray the missing are found, pray the dead are at peace.
The only thing anyone can do now is have a little faith and pray.xFriday, March 11, 2011
Wallowing Winter coming our Way
It is finally Autumn and although we're still getting some sunshine, there have been a few chilly days coming in too. New Winter stock has been arriving at my work and I'm pretty sure everybody else is getting their Winter stock in too. To be perfectly honest, I don't usually like Winter, but this year I'm actually quite excited to get my cosy on in big chunky knits and warm, woollen fluffies. Miss Unkon's Winter 2011 Collection is really beautiful and just makes me think of sitting by a warm fireplace, having a movie marathon, snuggling on the couch on a rainy day. We still have a bit of sunshine left though, before it starts pouring down with large torrents of horrible rain so lets make the most of it while we can.x
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Busy busy busy.
Okay, so it hasn't been as tedious as the post-it note shows but as you may have noticed, I have been a bit slack on posts lately, purely based on my excuse that I've been pretty busy with uni, work, my newfound love of cooking and castings inbetween. Firstly, uni's going good - although some classes are totally boring, my lecturers are good so that makes up for it. I've been a bit slack lately but trying to stay on top of it all as I know that the assignments will just creep up on me and as it's my last semester with assignments, I really want to go hard at it. Secondly, work has been going great. We're totally picking up and now have a new addition to our team, stylist and colourist Rose Lally, who is super cool and such a lovely lady! I also went to a buyer's meeting with my boss today to check out Stolen Girlfriend Club's S/S11-12 Collection (isn't it amazing how fast production is and how ahead designers are ahead of time) and it was totaaaaallly fab as always! No surprise there! Super keen on their sample sale tomorrow too, although yes, I should be saving :p (I've been spending so much lately it's actually become a problem now haha). Thirdly, you may have wondered '' when reading about my new found love above, but yes it's true. I'm so in into it that I've been cooking a couple meals a week as well as making dessert, which is sort of bad because I just want to eat it all! Plus, with NZFF only two weeks away I should really cut back on the bad food! But just to prove that I'm not a completely different person just because I've found my new 'sanctuary' in the kitchen, I'd like to point out that I will never ever break my promise to myself of never becoming a housewife haha. As for castings, I had two on Saturday and did a fashion show for Storm last night with my favourite Red11 crew :D So fun! Have another casting tomorrow and then a leaving drinks in Newmarket which will be fun. Almost end of the week, I swear the weeks are feeling shorter as the year progresses! Mum's birthday this weekend eeek, will need to get on a present ASAP!x
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Bye Bye Galliano
I'm sure I have like a 6th sense or something. Only about a couple weeks ago, I had come across my old essay I wrote about when I was studying fashion at uni. The assignment required students to research a contemporary designer and a specific collection they designed based on a historical era. I chose to write about Mr John Galliano's S/S 2004 Haute Couture Collection inspired by his then recent trip to Egypt. Simple amazing, this collection was one of my favourites of his. And then what do you know? Only this week, we hear about Galliano getting FIRED from Dior for his drunken anti-semitic rant. Tsk tsk Galliano, what have you done? Overall, I am quite disappointed by this whole scandal, in Galliano and especially by whoever it was that leaked the video. But what's done is done and I'm anxious to see who the replacement Galliano will be. Definitely will be a hard act to follow.x
Friday, March 4, 2011
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