Just realised that today is the last day of November, I mean Movember. YAY. My boyfriend will finally shave off his mo. Because he promised he would :) Not that I'm not happy to support Movember in raising awareness of prostate cancer, but because I just prefer him without one. But I must admit, I personally, look pretty damn fine with one.x
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Eudaimonia, the Good Life.
Today in class we learned about the term Eudaimonia. It means, to live the good life, or life of excellence and happiness. Sounds like fun. I am now going to strive even further to achieve eudaimonia. Especially with it being the first day of Summer tomorrow :D So much planned, so much to do! On a sad note, my boyfriend went up north today for a week for work. I went to see him at the bus depot after class for a quick goodbye :( I'll be missing him lots but as I'm pretty busy all of this week, I'm sure it'll fly by quickly and he'll be back in no time! Have work tomorrow plus a job at DFS tomorrow night, will be going to the gym on Thursday for the first time in ages, plus an hour at Ludus Magnus and a movie/dinner date with a friend on Thursday night, work again on Friday plus another job that night also and then work again on Saturday with a 21st to follow that night. So. Busy busy! Plus in addition to all of this, I've got to find time to do my uni readings and do my assignment! I've also sorted out a semi-theme I'm going to have for my 21st, my dress and cake/cupcakes though its a secret so it won't be revealed until the actual night. So excited! Anyway, time for bed. Lack of sleep combined with busy-ness has got me getting bags under my eyes. Not a good look.x
Monday, November 29, 2010
Summer school.
So I thought that the busy-ness for me was over and just when it finally felt like I was on holiday, along comes Summer School. Silly me to think it ever ends. Don't get me wrong, it makes it easier to study in a period of 4 days instead of 12 weeks, but sitting inside for long hours is really lame on a nice sunny day. At least today is over and done with, only tomorrow left and then two days in mid-Jan. So it's not that bad, or at least I keep telling myself. Annoying that the due date of our first 50% assignment happens to coincide with my 4 year anniversary but at least after that I can relax and have fun. My boyfriend goes away for work tomorrow, I'll be missing him lots but at least this assignment will be keeping me busy! Also have my work customer evening tomorrow which will be quite fun, we'll get to put on a sort of fashion show for the V.I.P customers. I'll make sure to get pictures to upload. Anyway, better get some sleep.x
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Me, Myself & I.
Here are some more pics from the Whitecliffe Fashion show. Some are from the runway and some backstage after the show, taken by my good friend Hilary Johnston.x
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Oh, to be Audrey.
I recently watched Breakfast at Tiffany's and thought it was simply amazing. Audrey Hepburn is just so elegant and classy, makes me wonder how times have changed. I just love the way she's dressed and how beautiful she looks. If I had to choose which era I would have loved to live in, it would be the late 1920s.x
Friday, November 26, 2010
Don't forget the flowers in your hair.

One thing Summer always tempts me to do is make daisy chains. So fun and easy to make, they look absolutely adorable in your hair. Flowers in hair + messy plait = SUMMER LOVE. Since my boyfriend has to work on this fine Saturday, I'm thinking about going over to his and chillaxing in the backyard, reading a book in the sun and making daisy chains, while safely tanning! Have a good friend's birthday tonight which should be fun, haven't gone out in a while due to exams.x
Ponsonby road.
Well today I actually got to sleep in before having to wake up and get ready to go to my job at DFS today. Worked with Dan Ahwa again, he is so amazing! :) After that, I went to Ponsonby to scout some potential birthday venues and potential 21st dresses. Such a nice day to stroll down Ponsonby road. I then tried to hunt down something small but special for my boyf, ended up getting some car shaped chocolates :p Birthday dress shopping is such a mission. I especially love the Hermes pleated dress that Gemma Ward is wearing. I've had this picture on my computer for a while and I only found it in my files last night. I've got a few other ideas of what I'm after but it has to be perfect.x
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Appetite of Summer
When Summer is here and the sun is actually out, it makes us all feel happy. Not to mention, motivated to get that bikini body. Summer always makes me want to eat healthy food and fruits. Here is a selection of my favourite summer nom noms. I am having a seafood banquet tonight, so yum and not fatty at all! Will take pics to upload later. In the meantime, I am off to plan the big 21st!x
Ethos Autumn/Winter 2011 Lookbook
Just got sent the lookbook of the shoot I did for 4th year Whitecliffe Fashion student, Julia Campbell. Check it out! That aside, I had a quiet day at work today but got lots of jobs done. Got an amazing pair of leather shorts in, only one in my size! Will upload pictures of me wearing them in a later post. Tomorrow will be my first day off working in about 3 weeks straight so I am on a hunt to find not only my perfect 21st birthday venue, but also the perfect 21st birthday dress (and shoes)! I might be able to make some time for the gym tomorrow morning too. I didn't end up going last night, or tonight, although I have eaten really healthily today so that sort of makes up for it.x
Monday, November 22, 2010
Had a very productive day yesterday shooting a whole range of clothes with Amber and Hilary. Photos will be posted on their blog to be sold shortly so keep an eye out! :) Today, however, was more chilled with a dose of the Salvatore brothers, catching up on Vampire Diaries eps on Mysky, and then me and a friend went around to Ashleigh Kearsley's place to check out her Blacksheep collection again. Check out the photos, modelled by Ashleigh's younger daughter Nikita. Love love love her stuff! I ended up getting the amazing leather jacket (in picture 3) in cream that I've had my eye on for ages! Can't wait to wear it! Make sure you check out her pieces, sold exclusively on Needles n Threads. Seeing Ashleigh's stuff again has inspired me to make more time to sew! Once I do, I'll get a few pieces on here. Until then, back to cleaning my room and sorting through clothes and shoes. Going to head to the gym tonight too, need to get back into routine.x
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Here is a photo of a shoot I did for Black Magazine about a month and a half ago, wearing Salasai.
Photographer: Russ Flatt
Styling: Dan Ahwa
Hair: Jason @ Stephen Marr
Make-up: Tatum (MAC artist)
More Money, More Problems.
Been a bit busy in the past couple days so haven't had time to update on posts. Had another night at DFS on Friday as Miss DFS, helping host student night for overseas students. Then on Saturday, I had the Whitecliffe Fashion show. As you can see, we had our faces painted black. So intense but it was so fun walking for Jessica Grubisa! She is so talented, creative and innovative, just what a fashion designer is supposed to be! Not only that, but she is so lovely and so honest! Such good qualities to find in a person. No doubt, she will go far! x
Thursday, November 18, 2010
The Palace on Victoria.
As I was leaving to get to a job I was doing for Storm tonight, police tape surrounded the block around my apartment, the road was blocked off and there were lots of cop cars, fire engines and large crowds. Not wanting to be late, we just left- the cop let us drive through the 'DO NOT ENTER' tape :p. Found out after the Storm job (which consisted of us strutting around Millford Centre Mall handing out Storm lookbooks and consuming free food and bubbles!), that my road was blocked off due to 124 year old history building, The Palace, being set to be demolished because of large metre cracks spotted early this afternoon. Built in 1886, this building is a landmark of Auckland. People are still milling around 17 storeys below as I type this and it is believed that the building will no longer be there by the morning.
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